HSFN Welcomes Transport Dogs From Puerto Rico
We want to say welcome to the All Sato Rescue organization. All Sato Rescue, Inc. is an umbrella organization on the island of Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory. Using a very big network of individual rescuers and small rescue groups, All Sato Rescue, Inc. rescues dogs in need. All Sato Rescue, Inc. also guides people through the process of getting vaccinations, medical exams, and so forth so that their rescues are fully vetted and ready to travel. They also help tourists who have rescued a dog on their trip and want to take it home.
All Sato Rescue, Inc. has shared that “the situation for abandoned animals in Puerto Rico is really horrendous. We save our dogs from horrific circumstances; puppies tossed out of cars, used for target practice, and set on fire. It’s just heart breaking. So many shelters in New England find that not enough dogs are being surrendered locally–thanks to the way spay and neuter has been accepted–to meet the high demand for adoption. So, by partnering with us, they are saving the lives of very friendly, highly adoptable dogs that would otherwise be euthanized or die on the streets. They are also enriching the lives of families and individuals with a beloved canine family member and they are helping to serve the community, hire people, etc. It’s such a win/win for everyone.”
According to All Sato, “Some of our dogs have been very cruelly treated and to see them end up living like royalty in great homes in New Hampshire is one of the most rewarding things you can imagine.” All Sato Rescue, Inc. says “Thank you.”
Some local success stories from the transports include Finn and Emma pictured below:
Additionally, HSFN is willing to take the elder statesmen as well. All Sato Rescue, Inc. has twice transported dogs that were 8 years old. “Spot, was also the first in the group to be adopted, and the last one Ronnie, was also among the first to go to a forever home. It means the world to us to be able to see these older dogs get a chance.”
“Our new relationship with SATO has been wonderful,” said Douglas Barry, President and CEO of the Humane Society for Greater Nashua. “The stories that some of these dogs bring with them are heartbreaking and we have to do what we can to give them a better life”.
All Sato Rescue, Inc. in conjunction with the HSFN are working to create better lives for the animals in need. HSFN remains committed to the Nashua and surrounding community and is now able to assist those animals in need from Puerto Rico. Welcome All Sato Rescue, Inc. We look forward to a continued successful partnership on behalf of our furry friends.