New HSFN Alumni Calendar and Photo Contest

We’re thrilled to announce our first ever Calendar for 2016 featuring photos of dogs, cats, birds rabbits, any animal that was adopted from the Humane Society for Greater Nashua (HSFN)! The first step is selecting the pets to be featured and to do that we’re hosting a photo contest on line! The top 12 vote getters will be showcased in our 2016 calendar. The contest starts on March 1, 2015 and ends on April 30, 2015.

So how will this work?

We encourage you, our friends and adopters, to spread the word and then submit your favorite photo of your HSFN alumni pet to our on-line photo contest and share what makes your pet special or why you adopted them. Then share the link with your family, friends, and social networks and encourage them to go on-line and vote for your pet. The top 12 vote getting pets will be photographed professionally at no charge, either in studio or at the pet owner’s home, for the photo to be showcased in the 2016 calendar.

How will this benefit HSFN?

There is a $20 fee to enter a photo into the on-line contest and a $1 fee per vote. The proceeds from the on-line contest and from the sale of the printed calendar will benefit our pets awaiting adoption. The 2016 HSFN Alumni calendar will be available for sale on September 1, 2015. Information about purchasing calendars will be made available on and through HSFN’s social media pages.

I’m ready to submit my pet’s photo. How can I do that?

Here is the information you’ll need to submit your pet’s photo:

  • Current name of Pet adopted from HSFN and their name while at the shelter if you know it (i.e. Frankie, formerly known as Bobo)
  • Month/year of adoption
  • A sentence or two that tells voters something fun or interesting about your pet such as how long he or she been a part of your family or your adoption story.
  • Your Name
  • Your City and State
  • Digital copy of a quality photo of your pet only (no people in the photos please), remember he/she must be a HSFN alumni

Click here to submit your pet’s photo today!

Here are some other FAQ’s about our calendar photo contest
When does the photo contest run?

The contest runs from March 1- April 30, 2015

How does the contest work?

Adopters submit a photo and story about their HSFN alumni and solicit votes.

Can I have more than 1 pet in a photo submission?

There can be more than one pet in the photo, but all pets must be HSFN alumni.

Does it cost anything to enter?

There is a $20 submission fee per photo.

How are the winners chosen?

The top 12 vote getters are the featured calendar winners.

How do you vote?

Votes are purchased through the same website where you submit a photo and are $1 per vote.

What are the prizes?

Prizes range from having your pet professionally photographed and featured in the calendar to free admission to the upcoming HSFN pet festival in October. Prizes are based on number of votes received.

If you have additional questions, email Noelle Schuyler, Assistant Director of Development.